Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Women in Advertising

While searching on Youtube about gender stereotypes for women.  Now this drew me in, maybe because I am a women myself.  It shows how even though people say that women's roles in society have come along way, media advertising says different.  From Snow White way back when I was growing up to the newest cleaning commercials it shows the women at home.  It is hard to believe that media is still showing the women saying home and cleaning even though women are who is shown to be taking over the work force.  More women are shown to be going to college and there are now more women going into the medical field than men.  As much as feminists like to believe that women's roles in media are changing, actual commercials say otherwise.


This blog is going to be looking about how gender stereotypes are portrayed in advertising and how that affects gender roles in the "real world".  Advertising is a huge part of our media society and everyone sees millions of ads a day.  An example of what advertisements that will be researched is the Dolce and Gabbana ad.  When looking at this advertisement I see a girl who is dress scandalous with a group of 'strong men' surrounding her while she lays helpless on the ground.
Looking at advertisements like this one and seeing what gender roles it is trying to subconsciously get across is important because millions of people are seeing this advertisement and taking in everyday.  Media controls the world and while some people are trying to fight for women or mens rights, advertisements like this one is fighting back.  To help expand more on this research a website will be made to help get the word out about gender stereotypes in the media. 

Monday, April 8, 2013

How Gender Stereotypes in the Media Affect Gender Roles in the Real World.